Mark has been serving the Mandarin family since the Fall of 2012. He is passionate about God’s Word and communicating for life change. His heart also races for carrying the gospel to the nations and in the arena of local and global orphan care. These works are a great commission and what Jesus calls pure and undefiled.
Mark and his wife, Susan, have 5 kids Cynthia (Ben), Lydia, John Mark, Julia and Ella are the greatest of blessings from our God. Mark and Susan are passionate about growing and developing families and watching as God’s redemptive story is written large on the hearts and lives of those that they share life. You can find Mark outdoors, making his way around a hiking trail or paddling a kayak. He is also an avid runner.
Garrett Johnson
Associate Pastor of Families & Worship
Sherrie Childress
Kids Ministry Team Lead & Office Administrator
Family & Communications Intern
Jay Perkins
Student Ministry Team Lead
Jimbo Stewart
Teaching Team
Bethany Powell
Worship & Tech Ministry Intern
Rubia Freitas
Finance & Facility Administrator
Roger Reinhardt
Property Manager