Beginning April 18th, we will launch a new schedule and introduce a Traditional Service. It is our desire to love and to serve every generation within our Mandarin family with worship that speaks to and from the heart. Even more, we believe that God has postured us within our community to touch lives through the advance of the gospel. We believe and we pray that we are posturing for that hope to come alive. These are exciting days!
Starting April 18th our Sunday morning schedule will be as follows:
8:30 - 9:20 Traditional Service / This will include hymnody and more traditional instrumentation
9:30 - 10:30 Small Group Hour
10:45 - 11:45 Modern Service / This will look similar to our current worship service.
In our continued response to COVID and isolation, this will be our schedule from April-August. We will use the summer to learn, experiment, and see how we can best advance the mission together! Thank you for your flexibility and trust!
We believe this shift will allow us to do three things:
Serve our Senior Adult community well as many increasingly return to campus. This will provide a smaller gathering rich in worship.
It has been a hard year for many especially those isolated due to COVID. In worship, we desire to speak the "heart language" of our older members with a more traditional approach to worship.
With a shared hour for groups, this provides a time for unity for our church as we share the halls and group time together!
As we make this shift here are some additional details:
There will be no more pre-registration or check-in on campus.
We will have guest check-in stations on our campus. This will help provide a great experience for our guests and help them take their next step here at MBC.
At the launch, there will be no child-care in the 8:30 am service. However, this is something we will monitor closely throughout the summer and can add as the need arises.
We will have age-graded ministries during group time and the later worship service.
We have received feedback from the Lead Team, Small Group Leaders, and many conversations with members of the Mandarin Family! This shift has not been taken lightly and we believe it postures us for growth in the next season.