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Mandarin Family, 2020 has been quite the year! As we move into the Fall we are pressing forward declaring the redemptive story of God on every day mission! This is the central location for all information about our Fall Launch.

Below you will see two pieces of information that I would encourage you to check out. First is a video update about some of the broad strokes of ministry over the next couple of months. While we are brilliant on film, we can’t cover every question. So, we’ve created a second help of Frequently Asked Questions, where you gain even more information and clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Updated 8/25/20

When are services? Each week we will have 3 services. We will have two on-campus on Sunday mornings at 9:00am & 10:30am. We will also have an online service that you can view on FaceBook or YouTube.

What if I miss a service how can I participate in worship? We have several options:

  1. Our weekly worship service will be posted on our MBC YouTube page, to be viewed on demand.

  2. We have a dial in service that will be updated on Monday of each week.

    • Call 904-423-8821 and listen to our service each week.

  3. We have a Mandarin Baptist Church podcast that will be updated Monday of each week.

    • CLICK HERE to listen to our podcast on Apple Podcasts (available on most popular platforms)

Will we continue pre-registration? For the foreseeable future we will be asking people to pre-register for services. This serves four purposes: (1) It helps us prepare in our age graded ministries, (2) it allows us communicate to those potentially exposed to COVID-19, (3) it helps the check-in process move quicker and (4) it allows us to send out post-service discussion questions to everyone who has attended. These are 4 stellar wins!

What happens if I don’t register? I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! We have never turned anyone away! We simply will check you in at one of our check-in stations in the Atrium or the Worship room. So if you forget to register, no biggie at all!

Are masks required? We are operating in compliance with Duval County’s mask ordinance. With that being said, we realize this is a controversial topic. We ask that you wear a mask for entry and exit. Once you are seated in our worship room or a classroom, you have the freedom to remove your mask. We are encouraging our Mandarin family to honor the request of our city, while also sharing in the freedom of worship and in our hope in the gospel. We surely hope that this strikes the balance of safety, compassion and unity within our family.

How can I serve in our church? You are sitting on the ripe opportunity to be a hero to our preschoolers, kids and their families AND to advance our passion for generations declaring the great wonder of our God. We are in need of volunteers across all of our ministries! If you are interested in learning more please click HERE and you will be contacted.

When are adult small groups meeting? We are taking a hybrid approach to groups. We are inviting all groups who are able to meet on campus to meet at either the 9 am or 10:30 am hour on Sundays. We are working with group leaders for the best time for their group. For those unable to meet due to age or health conditions, Zoom groups will continue to be an option. A list of groups will be made available next week.

What if my small group meets online but I want to meet on campus or I don’t have a group? We will be making a group list available next week and will be offering new on-campus groups to accommodate this need. You are free to join a new group if you would like, even for a season.

What are conversation groups? These are groups that meet on campus, or via Zoom and discuss the scripture and discussion questions from the sermon that week at a much deeper level. This is a great way to take your first step or reconnect to the Mandarin Family. These groups will launch September 13th and run through October. Click HERE to sign up for the interest list.

What precautions are you taking in The Clubhouse and The Garage to ensure the safety of our kids? We are continuing our goal of reducing exposure in our preschool and elementary classes by only allowing approved volunteers and children in our classrooms, eliminating snacks and any hard to sanitize surfaces and providing individual supplies for each child during activities.

Do my kids have to wear masks? We are not requiring masks to be worn inside the classrooms by our children. We are however asking our volunteer leaders to wear clear face shields while inside the classroom.

Why do I need to pre-register my kids? Pre-registration is vital in ensuring that we have enough volunteer leaders and supplies ready each week.  When families pre-register it also helps our volunteer leaders to better understand the makeup of their class for a given week, allowing them to better tailor their lessons for the ages of those registered.

Can we still come to The Clubhouse or The Garage if we don't pre-register? We do have class capacity limits for each service to help ensure safety in each room. However, we don't ever want you to feel unwelcome in The Clubhouse or The Garage and we will always do our best to ensure each child can experience the fun and excitement of Mandarin Kids. To ensure that your child has a place reserved in The Clubhouse or The Garage be sure to pre-register, even if it's that morning on the ride to church!

What ages are able to come in The Clubhouse and The Garage? We are so thrilled to be able to open up a new class in The Clubhouse for our youngest friends!  We will have one classroom for our 0-2 year old friends with a capacity of 6 children as well as a classroom for our 2-5 year old friends with a capacity of 10 children during each service hour. In The Garage we have a class for elementary ages, of 10 at each hour, with the ability to quickly open another.

What does Student Ministry look like during this season? After hearing feedback from parents, we will be moving student groups and worship back to Wednesday night from 7pm-8:30pm. This is where your student will be plugged in with a group and an adult leader that is partnering with you as a parent to disciple your child towards Christ.

What do students do on Sunday morning? During this season, our student ministries have stepped up and filled a huge void of serving our church! They are serving on worship teams, production teams, greeting, and kids ministry. Our desire is to create a culture of serving for all ages. So, during the next 8 weeks we will be encouraging students to serve in a worship hour and then worship with their family the other hour. You can click HERE to sign up for a serving opportunity.