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It’s more than a place that we meet...

It’s greater than a budget that we attain ...

It’s more beautiful when shared together...

We are the generations declaring the redemptive story of God on everyday mission.

Our mission matters the most. This passion moves God’s ordinary people with an extraordinary sense of purpose as we live and move for the sake of His gospel. Our Mandarin family values the generations. We are held together by grace. Our Redeemer is writing His story and what wonder to watch as it unfolds. Oh, how we are learning to love Jesus.

Love. Family. Mission.

In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus invites His faith family to explore the depths of the love of God in Christ. When asked what was of first importance, Jesus said that we ‘love the Lord our God with our heart and soul, mind and strength. Out of that love, we extend love to those around us.’ (Matthew 22)

After inviting us into a love relationship that is very real and deeply personal, Jesus invites His church to mission unity as an overflow of His love.

In His last words to the church, Jesus provides clarity when He tells His people that ‘All His authority is with us. So, we go in His name, sharing His gospel and celebrating our family’s growth in baptism. We make disciples and this work will carry us across the street and around the world. In every declaration, Jesus is with us. We are His. (Matthew 28) We are the generations declaring a glorious Redeemer!

Love compels us. Family shares the adventure. Together, we are on mission.

Love, family and mission are the advance for generations declaring the redemptive story of God everyday. We are not presenting a budget for adoption, but rather we are sharing in the hope that the authoritative mission given to us by Christ might increasingly become our glorious ambition. Because our mission matters the most, we have crafted the resources needed to move together in 2021 with purpose and in passion. Imagine the declarations that will be made this year...

It’s the hope that Jesus is more among us than we ask or imagine...

- Mark Seagle

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2020 Report Draft 4 Budget Explanation.jpg

Important Details:

  1. Nov 29 - Budget Q&A in the mission room after each service

  2. Dec 3 - Zoom Budget Q&A

  3. Dec 6 - Vote to affirm 2020 budget (this will include online option).

  • Details for online meetings & online vote will be shared Nov.19.